

Healing is sometimes known as “laying on of hands” and can be called energy healing, healing therapy or spiritual healing. Healing forms part of the religious, spiritual and health practices of many ancient and modern cultures. Healers often describe their work as “restoration to health by non-physical means”, and using this definition, it could be argued that all medical and health systems have this definition as part of the way restoration to health and vitality works. Central to the principle of healing is the concept of “life force” or “energy,” which is the balance that restores the person to health. This is a concept that most of the major health systems of the world subscribe to – Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and other forms of oriental medicine.

Healers channel benign energy to the patient to activate their self-healing mechanisms, either through “the laying on of hands”, or at a distance like in reiki or through prayer or meditation.

See Also:

  • Pregnant Thoughts

Healing is especially useful in treating the following health conditions:
Anxiety, arthritis, chronic pain, dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, menopause, menorrhagia, headaches, high blood pressure, migraines, PMS, respiratory conditions, stress.